Procedure luxury-ramadan-umrah-package

Published on April 10th, 2016 | by | Views: 2697


The procedure of Umrah

Hajj is of three types. Ifraad, Qiraan and Tamattu. In Ifraad, the pilgrim performs only Hajj, while in Qiraan, he performs Hajj and Umrah combined. In Tamattu type of Hajj, the pilgrim enters the state of Ihram two times. Once for Umrah and then terminates the state of Ihram and then re-enters the state of Ihram on 8th Dhulhajj to perform Hajj.

Umrah can be performed consistently, more ideally in the periods of Hajj, before eighth Dhulhajj.

This type of Hajj is considered better by some scholars as it requires more effort by the pilgrim. It is also said that performing Umrah in the holy month of Ramadhan is equal to performing Hajj itself. If someone can afford, he can perform it every year and this act is appreciable. However, it depends on financial status, health conditions and availability of resources.

Umrah is an act of Sunnah and it is performed as directed by Islamic teachings. Once a person enters the state of Ihram from the point of Miqat, he is called Mutammir. As he enters Masjid e Haram, he is supposed to walk around the holy Kaaba, starting from Hajr e aswad or the sacred black stone. While circuiting around the holy Kaaba, the holy Kaaba should be on the left.

Also the pilgrim should keep his right shoulder uncovered draping the upper sheet of cloth over the left shoulder. Each round will be finished at the black stone where he will stop , touch and kiss it if possible. But if there is huge number of pilgrims around and it is not possible to reach it, it is enough to point the hand towards it and recite the Arabic verses advised for this point.

Then he will pray whatever is in his heart, and then reach rukn e yamani and touch it and recite the certain words. While he is moving between the black stone and rukn e yamani, he should pray for forgiveness and blessing in both worlds and protection from hell fire in prescribed Arabic words. He should move quick and fast during the Tawaaf, however women are not required to walk fast during tawaaf or Saa’ee.

After completing seven rounds around the holy Kaaba, he will offer two rakaat nafal behind maqam e Ibrahim and then move to the hills of Safa and Marwa. While he moves between the hills he continues to recite the supplications for those points as described in the books and communicated by the instructors in advance.

After Saa’ee is over, obligations of Umrah are complete and the pilgrim can terminate the state of Ihram. He trims his hair and resumes the routine activities of his or her life as usual. In the event that Umrah is performed amid Dhulhajj, the pilgrim enters the province of Ihram again on eighth Dhulhajj, the pilgrim enters the state of Ihram again on 8th Dhulhajj to perform the other obligations of Hajj. If Umrah is performed I some other time of the year, then it is over on this point and the pilgrim can resume his further plans and leave Makkah if he desires so.

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The procedure of Umrah

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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