The rites of Umrah begin with the seven Tawaf taken around Kaabah in Mecca. After…
The procedure of going to Marwah
Safa and Marwah, often known as the rites of Sa’I are practised between the hills of the same by all Muslim men and women. According to the Islamic historical records and the beliefs of famous scholars, Sa’I is mainly practised to memorize Hager and Ismail who were trapped in a desert all alone with no availability of the basic provision.
In order to bring water for Ismail, Hager leaving her son alone in the desert climbed up the mountain of Safa in search of water. However, when she couldn’t find it in the valley she descended from the hills and move towards Marwah. Apart from struggling for water, she also watched out in the desert if her son was alright. Similarly, she sustains her walk seven times in the same hills. Allah sent down Jibrael directing him to build a spring of fresh water as a reward for the patience and struggle of Hager. Since then the Pilgrims commemorate this incident by following the same path.
After descending from Safa, the pilgrims precede their journey to Marwah. The entire pilgrims stop at Marwah for a short period of time and worship Allah. This process is repeated seven times constantly where the Men and women stand the first half of 7 times at Safa and the second half at Marwa. While going for Marwa, It is a Sunnah for the Muslim men to walk at a fast pace between the two green markers in the valley. However, this ritual is not applicable to women as they can proceed at a normal pace between the hills. The initial green marker is cited beneath the Minaret whereas another one is located in the opposite direction of Ribat al-Abbas. Although no supplications for Safa and Marwah are mentioned in the holy book ‘Quran’ and Hadith, most of the people believe that it is a Sunnah to pause at the hills before proceeding to the next.