Hajj News tawaf

Published on May 19th, 2018 | by | Views: 1539


Various parts of Tawaf

Tawaf is one of the most necessary rituals of practising Hajj. Regardless the fact of its obligation, Pillar or essentiality, it comprises several mandatory parts, recommended parts, and Sunan. Its obligatory parts state that the pilgrim must make ‘Wudu’ commence Tawaf and if he breaks the same, he can’t proceed to the next circuit unless he remakes the ‘Wudu’. Tawaf is only applicable and considered as valid if is done inside the Masjid and at a condition when the pilgrim faces Hajre Aswad and touch it after each circuit. Moreover, continuity of Tawaf plays a vital role in the accomplishment of this ritual. A pilgrim has to finish the entire seven circuits at a one go rather than taking a few and leaving the rest for the next day.

The Sunan of the Tawaf says that the men pilgrims should take the initial three circuits following a hurried pace i.e., they must walk rapidly however, they should not run. Though this Sunan is considered as a voluntary act for the entire men pilgrims even if the person is sick, the pilgrims are not necessitated to sacrifice if they forget to walk the same way as required. After the successful accomplishment of 3 circuits, men pilgrims can proceed with a normal walk for the remaining Tawaf. Prophet Mohammed is the evidence as he performed Tawaf in the stated manner. The same rule is not applicable to the women they can follow the same leisurely pace for all the 7 circuits. Another Sunan is that the pilgrims have to touch and kiss the ‘Yemeni corner’ every after 1 Tawaf except for the very first Tawaf.

Apart from the pace of walking and kissing the Yemeni corners, it is a must for the pilgrims to kiss Hajre Aswad before the commencement of Tawaf. Though touching the same after every circuit is voluntary, the pilgrims must touch it at least once in the beginning.

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Various parts of Tawaf

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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