Hajj News Hajj journey

Published on March 11th, 2018 | by | Views: 868


What are the essential rituals of Hajj Journey?

Hajj journey is one of the top-most pilgrimages in Islam and is performed every ending month of Islamic calendar i.e., Zul Hijja. This practice aids one to seek blessings from Allah and get rid of the entire sins they did in their past. However, Hajj comprises various rituals to be performed that further involve various restrictions. Some of the major are: undergoing the state of Ihram (the state of purity), Zabiha (slaughtering of animals at the end of Hajj pilgrimage), and etc.

Though the rituals involved in Hajj and Umrah are almost alike, the only addition to the former is ‘Zabiha’. Hajj usually starts with Tawaf often known as circumambulation. In this procedure, the pilgrim is required to take seven rounds of ‘Kaaba’ following a clockwise direction. This ritual begins from the spot where the black-colored stone is entrenched. Muslims also take Tawaf al-Wada i.e., the last Tawaf of their Hajj journey. The next ritual is ‘Sai’ that is running back and forth in the hills of Safa and Marwa. The history of Islam state that Ismail and Hager (son and wife of Ibrahim) were trapped in the desert and couldn’t avail water. Jibriel, the angel of Allah organized a spring full of fresh water between Safa and Marwa. So in this memory, Pilgrims visit Safa and Marwa.

Muzdalifah is the next step in which Muslims take several stones and throw it in ‘Jamarat’, the three pillars in Mecca. It is often believed that this tradition is followed to hit the ‘Shaitan’, the evil spirits. The last ritual of Hajj is Eid al-Adha that is the conclusion of the entire Hajj journey. In this occasion, a Halal animal is slaughtered using a sharp knife. It is also the memorial of Ibrahim who was about to kill his son to abide by Allah’s order.

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What are the essential rituals of Hajj?

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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