Travel News in Madinah bir-uthman

Published on March 4th, 2016 | by | Views: 6449


Bir Uthman in Madinah

Uthman bin Affan

There was a period in Madina when it confronted enormous deficiency of water, because of absence of precipitation. Every one of the wells were dried and fruitless. Just a single well all around Madina claimed by a Jew had water in it. The Jew proprietor was exceptionally one-sided and sold water on high costs to the Muslims, and offered totally free water to the Jews.

When this news reached the Prophet ﷺ he asked all the Muslims, that whoever buys this well will be granted a house in Jannah.

This narration of the Prophet ﷺ reached Uthman bin Affan, and he instantly decided to purchase that well owned by the Jew. The Jew was only willing to sell half the well. Uthman decided to buy the other half as a Waqf for the Muslims so that they could have free water as much as needed.

The other half of the well no one purchased water from that Jew, so he decided to ask Uthman to purchase the other half of the well, which he accepted to buy. This well is later to be known as Bir Uthman.

To get a promise from Allah is the greatest reward any one can get. Also the virtue of Uthman bin Affan is that he married the two daughters of the Prophet ﷺ and was called Zun Noorain.

This well is still in its original form as was 1400 years ago and the water is pumped through motors for irrigation of the land surrounding it. The land around it consists of dates farms. The well has been covered now but the old pulley still stands out. This area of farms is open for public but is not a known site for ziarah.

This act of Hazrat Uthman and this well always reminds that one should do little or big things for wellbeing of Muslim ummah, and will be promised to be rewarded greatly in jannat.

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Bir Uthman in Madinah

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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