Hajj News types of Tawaf in Hajj

Published on March 15th, 2018 | by | Views: 2945


What are the types of Tawaf in Hajj?

Hajj is one of the essential pilgrimages of Islam that came into existence 1400 years back. Though Umrah and Hajj follow the similar rituals and traditions, the later comprises additional requirements. However, in both the pilgrimage, Tawaf is a necessity. The types of Tawaf in Hajj refers to the act of circumambulation i.e., taking the seven rounds of kaabah in a clockwise direction using the hurried pace for the initial 3 circuits whereas the leisurely pace for the next 4 circuits.

There are various types of Tawaf in Hajj that are:

Tawaf Al-Ifaadah: being one of the major pillars of Hajj, Tawaf Al-Ifaadah is practice after standing in the Pahar of Arafah during the day of Al-Adha. It is also known as Tawaf of visiting as it is performed during the Hajj.

Tawaf Al-Qudoom: though the famous Islamic scholars have the diverse opinion regarding whether the Tawaf Al-Qudoom is a Sunnah or mandatory, the same is considered be the act of loyalty and commitment to follow the Islamic laws. It is often known as Tawaf of arrival as the pilgrims are necessitated to practice it just after accessing the state of Ihram after reaching Kaabah.

The Tawaf of Umrah: Tawaf of Umrah is performed is the pilgrim is opting for Umrah rather than Hajj. However, if the person is carrying out Qiran (both Hajj and Umrah together) then Tawaf of Umrah is a must.

Tawaf Al-Wadaa: it is a farewell Tawaf performed by the pilgrims that are leaving Mecca. Generally, it is termed as the ultimate Tawaf which is obligatory for all men and women except for the women who are in the menstruation period.

Tawaf in fulfillment of Vow: those pilgrims who take an oath to perform the circumambulation in Kaabah are required to accomplish their vow by practicing the Tawaf of a vow.

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What are the types of Tawaf in Hajj?

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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