Hajj News safa

Published on April 19th, 2018 | by | Views: 3152


Safa and Marwa and the conclusion of Tawaf

The major recommended parts of Tawaf state that the pilgrim must kiss the black stone after the completion of each circuit excluding the first one and then proceed to Safa and Marwah. However, due to illness or any disorders if the pilgrim finds it troublesome to reach and access the stone then it is permitted for him to raise his hands in the direction of black stone and utter Allahu Akbar. After the completion of Tawaf, pilgrims have to pray two Ra’kha of Nafl at the spot of Maqam Ibrahim and then again touch and greet the black stone if possible.

The pilgrims do not have to sacrifice if they omit the same. This two Ra’kha prayer is considered to be obligatory as per which omitting the same requires sacrifice whereas voluntary in other cases. For instance, if the person returns back to his own land and belongings or has broken the ‘Wudu’ then the two Ra’kha of Nafl is not considered valid for this pilgrim. After the accomplishment of Nafl prayers, the pilgrims return to black stone and kiss it after which they can proceed to the sacred well of Zamzam and drink the holy water and purify their souls from sins and impurity.

The pilgrims are then required to precede their Hajj journey by visiting ‘Safa and Marwah’, the hills between which the pilgrims have to run back and forth for a total of seven times). The Safa and Marwah rites are followed to venerate and memorize the struggle and patience of Hagar (Ibrahim’s mate) who was stuck in a desert with her infant Ismail. Due to the lack of basic provision, she ran back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah to get water for Ismail. However, she couldn’t find anything in those hills. Allah جل و عز then sent Jibrael who created the fresh spring of water as the reward of Hager’s patience.

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Saf and Marwa and the conclusion of Tawaf

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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