Miracle quran

Published on March 4th, 2018 | by | Views: 1375


Miracle – life depends on water mentioned in Quran

According to the Quran, Verse 24:45, Allah made every living organism from water among which some of the creatures walk with two legs whereas the others use four legs for the same. There are also various creatures that walk using their bellies. The Ayah further describes that Allah has the powers to develop whatever he desires. 71% of our earth is covered with water and the ratio of appearance of sea and land in Quran i.e., 32/ (32: 13) results in the same percent.

The 21.30 verses of Quran are the major evidence of miracle since the Muslim’s holy book Quran came into existence over 1400 years back however, science lately recognised the fact that human beings and all the other living creatures surviving in this world are made up of the essential elements of the universe that is water. The verses also clarify that it will take hundreds of years for the people to ascertain about this fact. After the invention of the microscope, scientists came to a conclusion that the 71% of the earth is made up of water. In humans, protoplasm is termed as the essential component for the survival of living matters, however, the proper functioning of Protoplasm depends on the continuous presence of water in the body.

Water is considered to be the major element of organic matters and 70% of the human’s body consists water. According to the biology studies, 80% of the animal cells that is Cytoplasm are declared as water however, scientists analyzed the cytoplasm study after the disclosure of the same in Quran. So Quran proves that the enter life in this earth and heaven depends on water for survival. Now the surprising fact is that Quran came into existence around 1400 years back but science brought this study in recent times.

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Miracle – life depends on water

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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