Quran Prophet Mohammed

Published on March 27th, 2018 | by | Views: 3040


Prophet Mohammed describing rewards of reciting Quran

Quran is the 4th holy book of Islam that was discovered by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) during the sacred month of Ramadan. Quran not only plays a vital role in showing the pious path to the Muslims but it is often said that regardless the type of hindrances people suffer from, Al-Quran possesses the exact solution to the entire problems of mankind.

The Hadith regarding the rewards of reciting Al-Quran suggest that the person that recite the ten verses of Quran on a regular basis will never be considered as ‘forgetful’. One who recites 100 verses of Quran in a day is termed as virtuous and the Muslim who prays 1000 verses of Al-Quran is one among the ‘Muqantareen’ (Abu Dawood). Al-Quran eliminates the impurity from the believers mind and soul and purifies him to seek the merciful blessings of Almighty and follow the righteous path.

According to the statement of Allah’s messenger, apart from inspiring the people in the earth and assisting them to bring the solution to their problems, Al-Quran will be the only companion of a person in the afterlife. It will intervene for the practitioner on the very Day of Judgment. Moreover, Prophet Mohammed (SAW) also said that one who learns Al-Quran and teaches the same to other Muslims will receive special rewards in the afterlife.

Usually, Al-Quran is termed to be the topmost ways to invoke Allah and ask for forgiveness and blessings. Besides this, the person who memorizes the entire holy book of Al-Quran prepares a special place for him/her in the paradise. Generally, most of the people read the verses of Al-Quran when they find themselves in hurdles and difficulties. However, Quran recitation is an obligatory duty of every Muslim which not only helps one to get close to Allah but also brings happiness to one’s life.

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What are the rewards and benefits of reciting Quran?

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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