Hajj News ihraam

Published on March 31st, 2018 | by | Views: 1956


Rules of Ihraam during Hajj among woman?

It is considered as a Sunnah for the woman to take a shower before going for Ihraam. Although the same is not mandatory, the women undergoing ‘Hayd’ i.e., menstruation during these days are compelled to take a shower. The women in Nifaas and Hayd can sustain the entire rituals that are performed by the normal woman, however; they must not proceed for ‘Tawaf’ around the ‘Kabah’. As per the ancient records, Ibn Abbas once asked Ayoob Ali Ansari that how does Prophet Mohammed take shower in the condition of Ihraam? Abu Ayoob explained that Prophet Mohammed asked for someone to decant water on his head. He then used to massage his head using the hands and went back and forth. In this way, Rasul Allah used to take bath in the state of Ihraam.

Most of the famous scholars believe that there is no prohibition to take bath and pour out water over the head during Ihraam regardless the condition you are opting for the same. For Instance, whether you desire to take a shower due to sexual impurity i.e., ‘Janabah‘, to get purified from menstrual state, or for non-essential reasons, the same is permitted and acceptable. On the other hand, some Muslim scholars also think that women must not opt for a shower and rub their heads if not necessary as they must focus and spend their entire time in fulfilling Hajj rituals and worshipping Allah عز و جل this fact clarifies that taking a shower in Ihraam is the concept of permissibility. Though it is neither recommended nor restricted to take a bath, Rasul Allah said that is it preferable if the Hajj pilgrim remains dirty and impure in the state of Ihraam. Moreover, Imam An-Nawawee and other such Muslim scholars have the same beliefs.

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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