Benefits merits of Hajj

Published on April 3rd, 2016 | by | Views: 2084


The merits of Hajj

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and it is an obligation for all Muslims who have health and resources to travel to Makkah. Hajj is a unique kind of religious duty as it is a combination of different types of worship. The significance of Hajj can be understood at many levels. It is a symbol of unity and discipline of Muslims all around the world. It is also a message of strength of Islam for the world as Hajj is one of the largest congregations in the world held every year for hundreds of years.

At collective level, Hajj displays unity of Muslims on the basis of one religious book, one religion and one Prophet. Islam declares all Muslims as brothers and this brotherhood is portrayed so well at the time of Hajj and gives a message of universal brotherhood to all around the world regardless of their colour, race, language, nationality and wealth.

Hajj is a great time to improve one’s faith and mend the actions and thoughts according to the teachings of Islam. It is a time when Muslims spend a lot of time among other Muslims and ask for forgiveness from Allah together. They learn perseverance, empathy, tolerance and sacrifice. They can offer prayers for forgiveness and give away money to the poor. They can get many rewards and can offer prayers for their loved ones too.

When a muslim performs Hajj as directed, he returns back like a baby free of all sins. If he desires he can strictly carry on the path of piousness and avoid the sins. During Hajj, he feels closer to Allah and his heart is purified and cleansed. Collective prayers during hajj are a great blessing where people pray for themselves and their loved ones.

Another aspect of Hajj is that when the pilgrims are busy inn sacrificing animals after hajj, Muslims throughout the world celebrate eid ul adha and offer sacrifices and distribute meat among the poor. Thus the poor can get to eat enough food because of the blessings of Hajj. This act of sacrifice is in the memory of sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim when he decided to submit to the will of Allah.

For most of the people, hajj is a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to Makkah and experience sharing the Holy House of Allah with millions of others and submitting before Him. This once in a life time experience is something they relate to for the rest of their lives. This is a battle against worldly desires and evil, won by the Muslims when they leave behind those desires and set out to go and submit before Allah.

True achievement of Hajj is that the essence of Hajj and learning can be kept alive throughout the life. When a hajj pilgrim returns home after Hajj, with a clean heart and free of sins, and spreads his learning during Hajj, he spreads message of piousness and humanity. He inspires others around him and they also wish to go for Hajj and become better Muslims.

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The merits of Hajj

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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