Hajj News Zabiha

Published on March 6th, 2018 | by | Views: 1787


What is the meaning of Zabiha in Islam?

According to the Islamic laws, Dhabihah or’ Zabiha’ refers to the ritual of slaughtering the Halal animals following certain Islamic regulations. The Zabiha is processed by the butcher and the procedure is commenced after chanting the name of Allah. Allah’s name is the evidence that you admit the God’s right over the slaughtered animal and you are thankful to the Lord who has granted you the sustenance. However, rather than chanting the entire phrase i.e., ‘Bismillah al Rahman Al Rahim’, the butcher has to recite ‘Bismillah’ since Zabiha is the sign of subdual, not mercy.

Generally, the knife utilised for the slaughtering has to be sharp enough to cut the windpipe and carotid arteries of the animal instantly, as a blunt knife is not from the Sunnah. The Zabiha is practiced only after considering the physical health of the animal. To ascertain and confirm that the animal that has to be slaughtered doesn’t violate the Islamic rules; you must refer to the Quran and Hadith. According to the Quran Surah 2: ayah 173, the animals that are already dead or are killed without involving the name of Allah is forbidden and commonly known as ‘Haraam’. Hadith also states that one animal should not watch the other being slaughtered.

The animal brought in for Zabiha is laid down softly to avoid injuries and harm to its body and the head of the animal is positioned towards Qiblah though it is not an essentiality the same is a Sunnah. Apart from this, the knife is kept hidden from the vision of animal until the last instant when the windpipe of the animal is incised. Moreover, the Zabiha is processed carefully to protect the nervous system of the animal from harm as a little damage to the same can lead to the immediate death of the animal.

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What is the meaning of ‘Dhabihah’ in Islam?

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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