Miqat in Arabic means "a stated place”. This a place from where people wear ihram…
Published on March 4th, 2016 | by Admin | Views: 1394
0Masjidul Ejabah in Madinah
Ejabah an Arabic word for “Positive/ Affirmative Response”. This is one of the Masjid that has gain significance due to some incident and is not built in remembrance of it. This masjid is formerly known as Masjid bani Mua’wiya, situated in banu Mua’wiya district of Madina.
This Masjid is situated at north west of Masjid Nabwi, and its new section is just adjacent to main ring road. This masjid is very popular ziarah site, street vendors also take advantage of this and setup their stalls, making this area very congested.
This Masjid was formerly a property of Banu Mua’wiya, and was associated with their name.
This Masjid always reminds us that Prophet ﷺ has always made supplications for Ummah and their betterment. Also with that we should remember that all our Duas are not always at once answered or rewarded, but they are either stored for later or there is something in exchange for them that is far better is given to us.
The meaning of Ejabah is to accept and grant the question so because two out of three supplications of Prophet ﷺ were granted and the third one was held so on majority it was associated with the name of Ejabah.