Hajj News women in hajj

Published on April 1st, 2018 | by | Views: 7270


What are the Basic rulings for women in Hajj pilgrimage?

Hajj is one of the most important pillars of Islam that is mandatory for all the Muslims to practice at least once in their lifetime. However, there are certain regulations associated with women in Hajj performance, especially for women in Hajj. For instance, women cannot wear clothes that are tight fitted, transparent, short, or expose any of their body parts though she is permitted to carry on jewellery as the same is the act of adornment. Similar to the men, the Women cannot cover their face during the Hajj pilgrimage or wear gloves. However, the women can cover if they are concerned about the gaze of Non-Mahram man.

Shaafi’iyyah claimed that the Niqaab of the women (whose desire to cover their face) must not touch the skin of the face. The same was the perception of Al-Qaadee. However, the scholars opposed this fact saying that the Niqaab covering the face of the women would hardly remain untouched with the skin.

Another rule states that if the man touches his spouse intimately then he is obligated to compensate this act paying the Fidyah, commonly known as the penalty. The same rule is applicable to the women. Moreover, the penalties depend upon the intimacy. For instance, if there is no liquid released from male’s body while getting intimated by women then he is obliged to sacrifice a sheep but if fluid discharges then he has to slaughter a camel. It is mandatory to pay penalty if the person breaks this regulation by sacrificing the animal. However, if the person could not afford or get the sheep then he has to fulfil the Fidyah by feeding poor and needy. According to the beliefs of Hanafiyyah, if the women intentionally touch or kiss her husband then she is also obliged to pay the same Fidyah.

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What are the Basic rulings for women during Hajj pilgrimage?

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Eaalim Travel is enthusiastic about imparting knowledge about the perfect example and life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and in doing so the idea is to create a deep love as well as connection with our Prophet ﷺ.

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